The DACA Program Discontinued … What are the motives?

On September 5th, 2017 President Donald Trump’s administration put through an executive order to end DACA. This gives Congress till March 5th, 2018 to enact changes in legislation to amend the DACA and it’s enforcement. But what does this mean?

To an everyday privileged white male living in a wealthy suburb of Minnesota, I could probably go without hearing about the affects on anyone within a five mile radius of my house. But, it won’t stop this predominantly republican area from boasting about how Trump is saving jobs!

But the truth is, these are kids who wants to learn, work, and are given these opportunities through DACA. When we take this away, 800,000 undocumented immigrants will face deportation for wanting to, frankly, dream.

In his campaign, President Donald Trump campaigned that he would undo President Barack Obama’s executive orders. So, this begs the question of whether President Trump is actually doing good for America – by creating 800,000 new jobs, a possible 0.00247678018 % increase to the workforce – or if he is just campaigning for 2020?

We must ask these questions because if we continue to let officials prance around the line of campaign boosters and legislative change, we face the country becoming a puppet for whatever political party is in charge. We should rather focus on what’s good for the country, not a certain party’s political views.

thejourneyofme,  September 5th 2017.

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